Bari Lynn Hein’s stories are published in dozens of journals across eleven countries, among them The Saturday Evening Post, CALYX, Mslexia, Literary Mama, 3Elements Review, The Ilanot Review, Jewish Fiction, Modern Literature, decomp, The Wild Word, Samjoko, Spank the Carp, Bosphorus Review of Books, Prime Number, The Phare, and The Baltimore Review, as well as three anthologies. Her work has placed in the finals of several national and international awards. She won first place in the 2024 Bethesda Short Story Contest for an adapted excerpt of her novel THEY DID(N’T) DANCE–now on submission. Now she’s at work on a novel set in Baltimore in the 1970s.
She’s happy to be working with her agent, Elizabeth Trupin-Pulli, of JET Literary Associates, Inc.
Bari reads flash fiction for Fractured Lit. She’s a wife–of painter Gregory Hein–mother, feminist, cockeyed optimist, amateur genealogist, art lover, music lover, and former bakery manager who still loves to bake… all of which factor into her writing.
Read her interviews here.
Find out what she’s reading here.
Visit her Facebook page here.